Kaspi Abituriyent

The ““Kaspi” Abituryent” Department has been operating since 2008 and is currently serving in 6 branches and 5 regional cities. This department prepares students of the 9th, 10th and 11th grades for graduation exams and university admission exams. It also conducts progress exams on grades 5 to 8 to measure their readiness and social activity levels and on grades 3 and 9 to 11 to measure these students’ knowledge and skill levels. The department provides these services in Baku, Ganja, Sumgayit and in more than 15 regions of the country.

“Kaspi” Abituryent implements the following programs in Azerbaijani and Russian sections.

  1. One-year education program based on Curriculum Standards for 11th graders or high school graduates.
  2. Two years’ education program based on Curriculum Standards for 10th graders.
  3. All these programs are organized according to the standards of the State Examination Center

Achievements of “Kaspi” Abituryent Courses for 2008/2017:


  • Admission rates to Universities: 92%
  • Students scoring over 600 points: 214
  • Students getting presidential scholarships: 17
  • Students scoring 700 points- 1 person (Vahab Jabrayilov – I group)

The main reasons for the achievements of “Kaspi” Abituryent:


  • A team of professionals with extensive experience in the preparation of examinations, preparing effective teaching programs and measuring systems, and teaching students the correct ways of working and test techniques
  • Textbooks, test books and additional materials providing the effective preparation for the university admission exams.
  • To provide maximum success of special groups consisiting of talented students.
  • Year-round topics, including the psychological preparation of applicants for the exam are also included in the "Revision" program, as well as trips and social projects designed to ensure the efficiency of leisure activities


Ganja (022) 267 01 81, (070) 267 01 81 Ganja city, Ahmad Jamil St. 1. Lane 3 Xəritədə göstər Ətraflı
Bayil (012) 581 59 15
(012) 581 59 16, (070) 581 59 15
Academician A. Yagubov 52C, building 14 (opposite the Water Sports Palace) Xəritədə göstər Ətraflı
Kaspi Abituriyent Qabala (055) 578 51 07, (050) 350 16 02 Qəbələ şəh.Elçin Kərimov küç.Qəbələ Asan Xidmət Mərkəzinin yaxınlığındakı 4 mərtəbəli bina. Xəritədə göstər Ətraflı
Mardakan 050 658 14 16 Xanızadə küç 2C Xəritədə göstər Ətraflı
Kaspi Abituriyent Bərdə 050 888 22 48 Heydər Əliyev pr. 75 Xəritədə göstər Ətraflı
Kaspi Lankaran (025) 255 38 37, (051) 632 55 00 Lankaran city Muzaffar Nasirli 37/67 Xəritədə göstər Ətraflı
Elmlar (012) 510 70 42
(012) 537 08 94 abituriyent, (055) 400 32 11
(070) 514 03 82 abituriyent
Matbuat av.25 Xəritədə göstər Ətraflı
Ahmadli (012) 370 74 05 abituriyent
(012) 370 74 03/08 kid, (070) 370 74 05 abituriyent
(070) 370 74 03/08 kid
Ahmedli set. Ahmadli Street. 9 Xəritədə göstər Ətraflı
Sumgait (018) 657 50 21, (070) 644 39 49, (070) 655 11 49 Sumqayıt şəhəri, 6 mkr., H. Salayev 31A ("Liman" klinikasının yaxınlığı) Xəritədə göstər Ətraflı
Khatai (012) 480 31 68 kids
(012) 480 31 69 abituriyent, (050) 390 51 02 kids
(055) 455 17 00 abituriyent
Khojaly St. 29 Xəritədə göstər Ətraflı